General Paper private tutors. Proven grade improvements
Our home tutors are experienced in teaching subjects using the latest MOE syllabus. We also have reliable tutors who specialize in teaching PSLE, GCE O Level and GCE A Level students, polytechnic modules and university modules. The Ministry of Education’s examination objective in the General Paper syllabus is for students to be able to demonstrate that they have a “broad and mature understanding of a range of subject matter from the humanities and culture as well as science and technology, including current affairs, issues of global significance and issues of significance to Singapore.” In school, students learn how to plan, organise and show the development of ideas. They are required to synthesise, summarise and organise information. If you have been having a difficult time at school because of your General Paper, let our experienced and qualified home private tutors guide you today. Don’t let the heavy syllabus overwhelm you. We pride ourselves in successfully match...