General Paper private tutors. Proven grade improvements
ARE YOU LEARNING SMART? Our private tutors will teach you how to, during home tuition. In school, you are not able to choose who you want, to be your teacher. At home, you have the freedom to select from the widest options of highly experienced, patient, accomplished and committed tutors for private tuition. MOE’S EXAM OBJECTIVES FOR GENERAL PAPER According to the MOE-SEAB: “General Paper aims to develop in students the ability to think critically, to construct cogent arguments and to communicate their ideas using clear, accurate and effective language. General Paper encourages students to explore a range of key issues of global and local significance and provides students with a good foundation to thrive in a fast-changing world. At the end of the course, students should have a broader understanding of the world, and be ready to meet the challenges of higher education and the workplace of the future. The syllabus and examination are intended for all candidates who follow ...