General Paper private tutors. Proven grade improvements
Biggest home tutor database in Singapore
Effective Tuition has a strong team of over 20,000 reliable and
qualified private tutors. Our home tutors are experienced in teaching subjects
using the latest MOE syllabus. We also have effective tutors who specialize in
teaching PSLE, GCE O Level and GCE A Level students, polytechnic modules and
university modules.
They are current/former school/JC teachers,
university/polytechnic lecturers, graduates/professionals, and experienced
university undergraduates. Their rates range from $25/hr to $140/hr.
MOE syllabus and exam skills
The MOE states that “General Paper encourages students to
explore a range of key issues of global and local significance and provides
students with a good foundation to thrive in a fast-changing world. At the end
of the course, students should have a broader understanding of the world, and
be ready to meet the challenges of higher education and the workplace of the
school, students learn how to plan, determine the credibility of the sources of
content, and show the development of ideas. They are required to synthesise,
summarise and organise information.
If you have been having a difficult time at school because
of your General Paper, let our experienced and qualified home private tutors
guide you today. Don’t let the heavy syllabus overwhelm you.
General Paper tutor profile
Ms HM has 4 years of General Paper tutoring experience. She
was awarded the MOE Pre-University Scholarship in 2015 and 2016 and scored
88.75 Rank Points at her A Levels. She is a Year 3 undergraduate at NUS,
majoring in Medicine.
Fast and reliable tuition matching
Effective Tuition works fast, so that your tuition sessions
can start soon. Most of our clients are able to select and confirm their tutors
between 3 to 24 hours after contacting us.
We pride ourselves in successfully matching our clients with
the most reliable and qualified tutors in Singapore.
We interview and select the most high-achieving and committed
tutors in every academic subject and level. We constantly refresh our database,
so that only the best tutors with a proven ability to teach and deliver results
will remain on our priority contact list for General Paper tuition.
Hire your ideal experienced General Paper tutor now
Please let us know your tutor requirements when you register
at our website. We look forward to referring tutors with excellent credentials
to you soon. Have a great day ahead!
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